
Scoreland has always been ‘the’ destination for fans of huge-boobed ladies. And while competition might be a little more severe these days than in years gone by, Score still manages to stand head, shoulders and massive titties over most of its wannabe rivals. Size is everything on this site, and that applies to both the ladies’ boobs and the picture and video collections themselves. Over 700,000 images are offered, as well as more than one thousand videos. That’s a lot of mountainous mammaries to work through.

Sample of American boobs pornstar from Score

The main video sections are the ‘Score Theater’ and the ‘Voluptuous Theater’, and there are boobs-aplenty in both of these categories, let me tell you. The action is a pretty even mix of hardcore and solo posing and masturbation. Some of the bigger-budget productions have themes and storylines; the rest is stock porn. Quality is extremely professional, as you’d expect given Score’s history and reputation, and many of the latest videos are streamable (though not downloadable, frustratingly) in high definition. That aside, download options are fine, with both Windows and Quicktime versions of the video files available. Smaller versions and five-minute clips are also offered.

While image resolution is not spectacular, the photo content is passable. The huge magazine archives are a definite plus (to think of the excitement we use to get when we were allowed to look at just ONE of these magazines …). Picture quality varies somewhat, but all the latest sets are clear, crisp and realistic-looking. Scoreland is updated every day, usually with one new scene or gallery, sometimes with two. Navigation is straightforward, particularly because the model index has a handy filter feature – so if you like redheads with big boobs or slim girls with big boobs, that can save you the effort. The site also has a rating system for the models. It all adds up to a very tasty package indeed for lovers of large-chested women.

Visit: Scoreland

Author: thumblogger

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