Some things should stay private, but not these Private Home Clips. Videos and pictures submitted by users all over the world can be found on this amateur porn site. From dancing and stripping to blowjobs and hardcore sex, this site has homemade videos that cover it all. If you have ever wondered what goes on in the bedrooms of regular everyday people, then check this site out.
The site offers loads of homemade videos from user submissions. The archive contains over 10493 videos and over 78989 pictures all submitted from actual people. As a member, if you feel up to it, you can submit your own videos as well. The site offers multiple updates each day with both pictures and videos. Also, the site offers previews of what will soon be added. The video quality gets a little hard to predict given that not everyone is a film industry expert and they do not have the best equipment. For the most part though, the videos are clear enough to get off to. The pictures have the same quality issue. However, the poor quality does seem to reaffirm that these videos are homemade.
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Maybe you don’t want to add your own videos, but you enjoy the thousands currently offered and are being added. Not all of these videos are exclusive, but I believe most of them are. The site is super easy to navigate with clear title and any easy to navigate layout. Members can also chat it up in the many forums available. Member of this site are not afraid to share it all and bare it all to complete strangers.
Private Home Clips was a great reality porn site with daily updates, semi-exclusive content and tons of it. Video quality is up and down, but what kind of videos are you expecting from a user submission style site. The price tag is a little high for my taste, but I think it is worth it if you into amateur user submitted content.