Mr Skin is not a hardcore porn site. Mr Skin is a very good nude celebrity site with thousands of picture and clips of partly clad film stars. It is exceptionally rich in information – stars bios, cross references to movies they appear in, how nude they get, film reviews, schedules for tv-shows etc. This site is a film buff’s dream and there is plenty of super star buff for the rest of us.
Site design is slightly quirky and I guess made in a somewhat glamour and glitz Click to view fullsize screenshot (may take a few seconds to load) Skinography style. Like it or hate it the site works well. It is easy to locate what you want to look at through either the actress or movie indexes. There are masses of different keywords to choose from to narrow your search. On the right is an example of a search for Julia Roberts. All her movies are listed with a guide to the degree of skin – “skinography” – which varies from nude to sexy. There is a wealth of biographical information as well as her Skintistics eg Breasts – medium and real! Not every actress has as full an entry but the data has been built up over decades so many do. Mechanically the video clips are fairly short and are .mov or realtime files. They download fast and there does not appear to be a download limit. The pictures on the site vary enormously. Many are movie stills – some are brilliant and others dark and fuzzy but with over 70000 to choose from there are plenty of really good ones. If your favourite actress does not appear in the nude don’t blame Mr Skin, chances are she has never taken her clothes off in front of the camera – at least not in movie land.
Click to view fullsize screenshot (may take a few seconds to load). The Actress Index. Mr Skin updates every day with new pictures, clips and interesting news or gossip. With such a vast collection how do you find the really good stuff? Well assuming you have no preference as to actress your best bet is to browse the top ten lists or the top 100 scenes. These list the most viewed clips on the site. Is it Reese Witherspoon, Alyssa Milano, Kate Hudson or Sarah Michelle Gellar in the buffy that tops the list or someone else entirely. You could be very surprised at the pulling power of some of the more mature actresses when they were younger. If you live in the USA then the TV schedules telling you when the skin shows are on is very useful.
Overall Mr Skin is the most comprehensive movie database on the net and it is brilliantly illustrated with 1000s of naked movie stars. All the latest gossip, pop stars, movie stars, TV stars they are all on the site and if they have ever shown any skin chances are you can see it here. So don’t waste all your valuable spare time hunched over DVDs trying to stop the action at exactly the right frame, Mr Skin has done it for you. Take a trial and see for yourself.