Finding genuine Filipino porn is not as easy as it seems. All of the commercial smut sites are either run by foreigners from America or from Japan. The male antagonist is a foreigner who seeks to pay money for sex and the Filipino women are rather slutty looking, worn out prostitutes ravaged by viral diseases, drug abuse and lack of will. This is different when observing couples online from Asian Babe Cams or other camcast portals. When looking at those couples there are two different kind of setups.
The first setup is a couple who is trying to make ends meet with additional income from online cams. Those couples are genuine and are pretty awesome to enjoy. They are the real deal so to speak. Patrons can direct them to do as they wish and many of the couples will even be open to try new things such as anal sex and facials. The other setup is a bit disturbing and boring at the same time. It’s the henhouse cyber sex den. Typically, this is a sweatshop cam studio with 2 to 10 females who chat as solo performers. However, they do have one or two macho guys sleeping in a room nearby as a backup boyfriend (one for all hens LOL). The guy is called in when a private customer wants to see them have sex with their boyfriend. “Oh, you are lucky. My boyfriend just got back from work. He is so stressed. Would you like to see how I give him head?” An innocent line, but in reality a setup. You may see the guy with another chick an hour later.
Wait a second: Wouldn’t that be a good business idea for a foreigner? Moving to The Philippines and open up a cyber sex den while offering solo girls to help them out as a stunt cock? It’s not new. Many guys have done that. While they had a blast for some weeks or months, they have had problems as soon as one of the chicks got jealous or unfairly treated. Most of the guys had to leave the country. Some of them were jailed or even shot dead as happened to two Dutch brothers in Manila’s suburb or Cubao. They operated such an enterprise from the backroom of a karaoke bar for years, but once they kicked out a woman from her bread winning camjob, they had to feel a lot of pain from local authorities ending in a gun match with local police over fabricated allegations as reported by print media.